Have you have ever stopped to check the ingredients on the back of your every day household products? We often assume our products are safe, eco, natural or organic due to clever marketing and imagery - hello green washing.
The scary truth is that these products are often full of hundreds of chemicals, Our bodies accumulate these chemicals over time and they nest in our bodies for a very long time. The reason some of these chemicals are deemed safe is because they aren't mixed with others, but when our bodies store these we can become walking chemical cocktails. Going Low Tox is the journey of removing chemicals from your home by “ditching and switching" these with natural and safe products. When you know better you do better. We have been on our Low Tox journey for months and have found it to be so much easier than we could have imagined. Now I am here to share how easy this is, and to hold your hand on your own journey. Every single product in your home right now could be replaced with a product which is without nasty chemicals and toxins. We upgrade our home one month at a time